
Get clarity you're looking for....

Inga offers coaching, readings and healing therapies from The Green Door located in North Shields. Check out the offerings below, then use the booking link to head across to find a time and place best suited to you.


Coaching Through Tarot

In the 8 week Goal Achievement Coaching Program, where personal transformation meets intuitive guidance. In this unique journey, we will use the art of Tarot as a powerful tool to help you unlock your inner wisdom, identify your true desires, and create a clear path to achieving your goals.

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Intuitive Tarot Readings

 Approximately an hour long reading of Tarot. These readings give us the opportunity to look at areas of life or particular interest in greater detail. Giving us extra insight using repeating number and elements that also appear.  A tried and tested method of communication with the higher self.

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Reiki/Energy healing and clearing

Heal and clear your energetic field, and come back to self with a uplifting Reiki session. For more information use the link below.

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Intuitive Rune Readings

Approximately an hour spent consulting the stones. The ancient and earthy Nordic Elder Futhark Runes give great pragmatic advice. During our time we'll go over any questions you need answering as well as looking at what things maybe lying underneath, unseen, that needs addressing. 

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An hour and a half of Reading and Reiki

Different to my hour long Reiki session where we would pull up to three cards or runes in a diagnostic manor, this offers the opportunity to have a full 10 card reading as well as a full Reiki session combined. Meaning neither is rushed and we can see the full scope of the energetic journey you are on. Both Tarot and Rune readings are available.


Open the Door

Other 1-1 services and Classes

Take a look at the full website for The Green Door.

The Green Door